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Same Day Teeth


If you have lost all or most of your natural teeth, or your remaining teeth are damaged beyond repair, you may be thinking about dental implants. Imagine walking into the dental practice in the morning with missing or unsalvageable teeth and walking out the very same day with a whole new set of natural-looking, natural-acting replacement teeth. It may sound like a dream, but thanks to our implant dentists' advanced techniques and expertise, many patients can experience the reality of new teeth in just one day, thanks to our revolutionary Same Day Teeth service.

Traditional dental implants often require a series over appointments spread over several weeks or months while the implants integrate with the jawbone before final restorations (replacement teeth) are fitted. Same Day Teeth are different, meaning we can replace the full upper or lower set of teeth in just a single appointment, meaning you leave with your new teeth that day.

Same-Day Teeth are fixed and non-removable, giving you the beautiful, natural-looking smile and quality of function that you require. If you are interested in Same Day Teeth, your suitability will be discussed at your initial consultation.

With Same Day Teeth you do not need as many implants as replacement teeth. With as little as four or six implants, depending on the quantity and quality of remaining bone, a fixed provisional bridge can be fabricated on the day to fit on top of the fixtures. The implants can also be angled in such a way to avoid important anatomic structures or bone grafting, and ensuring that forces created by biting and chewing are evenly distributed.

Your new teeth, in the form of a fixed bridge, are created by a dental technician at the practice, and are securely attached so you won't need to worry about problems such as slippage.

Studies have shown a success rate of 98 percent for full arch Same-Day Teeth dental implants after five years.

Image 1. Failing teeth due to gum  disease

Failing teeth due to gum disease

Image 2. Same day extractions and implant retained provisional bridges fitted

Same day extractions and implant retained provisional bridges fitted

Image 3. Failing teeth due to gum disease

Failing teeth due to gum disease

Image 4. Same day extractions and implant retained provisional bridges  fitted

Same day extractions and implant retained provisional bridges fitted

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