Case 1

This is an 18 year-old patient with congenitally missing upper lateral incisors that required extensive bone grafting (hip bone graft). With minimally invasive procedures including bone expansion/augmentation/ plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF), and the provision of two dental implants the case was satisfactorily finished within three months.
Case 2

This patient lost her upper left central incisor in an accident and used to wear a partial denture. After a dental implant, soft tissue manipulation and cosmetic bonding she managed to get rid of her denture and recover her smile back after several years.
Case 3

This young lady in her early twenties suffered an accident and badly damaged her front teeth. She was provided with an immediate dental implant and dental veneers. She was very pleased with the results and felt like a new person again after receiving her treatment.
Case 4

This gentleman was very concerned of his smile. He really disliked the size of his two front crowns, the gaps and discoloration of his teeth. After a course of smile design using veneers and crowns, his smile was fully restored.
Case 5

This middle age lady ended up loosing all her teeth due to severe gum disease. A full mouth rehabilitation using dental implants helped to provide her with the smile that she always wanted.
Case 6

This lady suffered from severe gum disease. Her upper and lower teeth were very loose and she used to wear a lower partial denture. All her failing teeth were removed and 6 dental implants were placed both at her upper and lower jaw, and fully restored with two implant retained temporary bridges on the same day ('Same Day Teeth').
Case 7

This gentleman presented two splinted loose crowns restoring his two front teeth. After immediate extraction, dental implant placement and soft tissue manipulation, his smile was fully restored by means of two metal-free single implant supported restorations.
Case 8

This middle age lady suffered from severe gum disease. All her upper and lower teeth were removed and she was provided with implant-retained dentures.
Case 9

This young lady suffered from advanced gum disease and multiple missing teeth. She used to wear ill-fitting dental bridges in her upper jaw. All her upper teeth were removed and restored with an implant retained bridge on the day ('Same day teeth').
Case 10

This gentleman was very uncomfortable with the state of his old fillings and chipped teeth. After a minimal procedure including the provision of 4 dental veneers he was very pleased with the results and reported he finally could not stop smiling after 15 years!
Case 11

After many years of poor dentistry, this gentleman had suffered a lot with his teeth. He was very unhappy with his discolored fillings, gaps and crocked teeth. After a course of gum treatment he was provided with a set of crowns and veneers and managed to achieve the smile he always wanted.
Case 12

This 26 year old man was referred with a failing dental implant. He had suffered a previous dental implant failure before and after a bone graft his existing implant at his front tooth was again failing. This had led to a chronic infection and severe bone and soft tissue loss. After a bone graft and gum graft, his profile was fully restored and he was provided with a successful dental implant restoration.
Case 13

This very nervous lady had lost all her front teeth in a bike accident and was provided with a partial denture. After a course of bone expansion/ augmentation, and regenerative procedures including the use of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF), she was provided with an implant retained bridge. She was very pleased with the final result and in fact liked the implant work more than her previous teeth, as she used to hate the existing gap between her two front teeth before.
Case 14

This young lady was really uncomfortable with her smile. She presented a badly discolored anterior tooth caused by a large dental filling and metal pin. Using a layering technique and cosmetic bonding, her tooth was fully restored with a minimally invasive procedure.
Case 15

This young lady had lost her anterior lower teeth at a very young age. A fully ceramic 4-unit bridge was used to restore her missing lower teeth and provide her with a permanent solution.
Case 16

This young man was not very happy with the shade of his teeth and wanted to do something before his wedding. Using a combination of home and in surgery whitening, we managed to improve the shade of his teeth in a very safe and predictable way.
Case 17

This gentleman was wearing a removable partial denture to restore his missing front tooth. After a course of cosmetic recountoring and the provision of a single dental implant his smile was fully restored.
Case 18

This young boy had never had his two lateral incisors since birth (congenitally missing). He used to wear a plastic retainer with two fake teeth. After hard/soft tissue manipulation techniques and the provision of two dental implants he managed to smile as he never did before.
Case 19

This gentleman disliked his broken front teeth and the state of his old fillings. Using smile design techniques and minimally invasive restorative procedures all his anterior teeth were treated and he was very happy with the final outcome.
Case 20

This gentleman presented a heavily discolored failing front tooth and was not happy with the shape and the look of his anterior teeth. He was provided with an immediate dental implant after extraction of his failing front tooth and dental veneers to achieve a more natural looking smile.