There are certain clinical situations due to infection, caries or long-term bone shrinkage after dental extractions where the remaining bone shrinks dramatically
Those who have worn dentures for years are also likely to have suffered bone loss. This does not mean you are unable to receive dental implants; you can still have successful implant surgery through a clinically proven procedure called bone grafting.
Bone loss is bad news, not only for your teeth, but also for the facial structure. If a tooth is lost and not quickly replaced with a dental implant, over time the bone behind it will recede and give the face a sunken appearance. Bone grafts revitalise and rejuvenate the face while providing the best possible foundation for implant treatment.
Dental implants are the only proven dental treatment capable of maintain or your bone and gums levels as your natural teeth
Bone grafts and soft tissue grafts are used to restore the original teeth and gums contours in a natural way.

Deficient bone

Placement of a bone substitute material

Guided tissue regeneration
In many cases, the placement of a bone substitute biomaterial may be sufficient to acquire some bulk properties, shaping the contour of the bone and soft tissues and ultimately providing us with a better aesthetic outcome. If so, depending of the indication some of these materials used may have an organic origin (bovine or porcine normally - xenograft) or inorganic (synthetic). Careful consideration is given to the choice of the most adequate biomaterial and discuss with each patient prior surgery. The techniques that combine different biomaterials used for bone augmentation are generally known as Guided Bone Regeneration or Guided Tissue Regeneration.
In cases where your own bone (autogenous bone graft) has to be used to facilitate implant placement, the graft is usually taken from either your chin or the posterior part of the lower jaw (mandibular ramus) using a similar technique to the unique routinely used for wisdom teeth extraction.

Dr Madruga is highly trained in this technique and in the careful management of hard/soft tissues to ensure long-term stability and integration of the graft. The reallocated bone will mesh seamlessly into the surrounding tissue over a period of time. Once healed, the implant site will be as strong as natural bone and you'll be ready for implants.
There are more severe cases where bone grafts need to be obtained from a different source (i.e. hip). These severe cases may require a multidisciplinary team including an orthopedic surgeon and medical anesthetist.
We know that just like any surgical procedure, a bone graft can sound daunting. An adequate assessment and treatment planning will allow us to plan the best course of treatment suitable for you. We are more than happy to talk you through your procedure step by step and work out the best arrangement for you. We'll always make sure you're fully aware of every option and comfortable with your informed decisions before moving forward.

Referred failed dental implant to Dr Madruga

Autogenous block bone graft(mandibular ramus)

Final dental implant supported- crown (4 months after bone graft)