Many patients want to be proactive about their dental health but find that their dental anxieties keep them away from the dental chair. Dental anxieties are quite common, and there are many causes for these fears. Patients may have had traumatic experiences in the past, and some may even be embarrassed with the state of their oral health.

For such patients, there is a great risk since not getting routine checkups or preventive dental care increases the chance of them requiring major dental treatments at some point or losing their teeth altogether.
At our dental clinic, we understand the hesitancy of nervous patients Marylebone in seeking dental care, which is why Dr David Madruga has established systems of support to help and encourage them. Not only do we offer a wide range of quality dental care to keep smiles happy and healthy, but we also offer compassionate care that accommodates nervous patients Marylebone with conscious sedation methods.
Dr David Madruga is a vastly experienced dental practitioner in the field of conscious sedation and has helped set up a number of conscious sedation referral clinics throughout the UK.
How can conscious sedation help nervous patients Marylebone? Read on to find out.
The benefits of conscious sedation
Conscious sedation methods have been found to be incredibly effective in addressing the numerous common causes of the fear of the dental chair. With conscious sedation, patients can get the professional dental help that they need, whether this is to find relief from pain, protect their oral health, bite and chew better or gain confidence from having a great-looking smile.
Patients may be familiar with the general anaesthetic that is administered in hospital settings, but conscious sedation is different. The sedating medication can be administered in one of two ways: orally or intravenously. With this type of sedation method, patients remain conscious but are fully relaxed. The extent of this relaxation is so much that patients are completely unaware throughout the treatment, registering no pain or anxieties.
Conscious sedation is deemed safe to be used in dental settings and should only ever be performed by dentists with the required real-world experience in this technique. There are undoubtedly many benefits to receiving conscious sedation, one of which is that nervous patients can receive much-needed dental care.
Patients interested in conscious sedation should take note of a few important implications. Due to the relaxing effects of the sedatives, patients may experience dizziness following treatment, which would rule out them driving themselves home. Therefore, we recommend that patients ask a relative or friend to pick them up after the appointment. Our dental practitioner may have further post-procedure instructions that should be carried out.
There is every reason for a nervous patient to celebrate the availability of conscious sedation. During a consultation with Dr David Madruga, patients must inform us of their dental fears so that we can look at all the suitable options to give them the proper care they deserve. Reach out to our front desk team to find out more about the conscious sedation methods we offer.