Smiling: The Key to your Next Romantic Relationship

The secret behind a potential love affair is quite simple: a great smile.

There is a connection between smiling and attracting the opposite sex. The relationship between these two is a deep-seated evolutionary connection. For most people, smiling speaks to them at an intimate level.

david-madrugaToday, a smile is the assurance of your fun-loving, outgoing and carefree nature. In fact, a genuine smile is one of the top things the opposite sex looks for in a potential partner. If you wish to find love, all you have to do is pull off your greatest weapon: a picture-perfect smile.

How Smiling Makes a Difference

The bulk of communication does not entirely rely on the words you say. In most cases, body language is all you need to convey your emotions. When you are aware of how your body talks, you give yourself a very powerful tool, socially.

A smile is enough to lighten up a situation. It can also define the difference between ‘get out’ as a joke or a threat. In a similar fashion, a sincere smile transforms you into a sociable person, which attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

Smile with Your Whole Face

The key to making the rule of attraction work with just a smile requires smiling with your whole face, not just your mouth. When you smile with your face, your cheeks come up and there is a crinkle by the corner of your eyes.

Smiling with your whole face usually takes time, especially if you are not used to it. Start your day by taking a little time and standing in front of the mirror to practice. To help yourself, vividly recall that moment you were truly happy.

Make Your Smile Work

According to some Marylebone dentists, smiling makes you more approachable, especially with women. When you are out with your friends for a drink, remember to keep your smile strong. Do not worry about smiling out of place or freezing that grin on your face. When the moment calls for a grin, do so genuinely. The opposite sex will see you as friendly and welcoming, which is the first step towards a potential attraction.

Charm your way to a love-filled future; start with a sincere and beautiful smile. Transform your smile with Dr David Madruga.

The Possible Prevention of Bone Loss

From a professional standpoint, extraction is always the last resort. Dentists exhaust all options to preserve the existing tooth and repair it with a crown or other restorative measure. But some teeth are beyond repair. In such cases, extraction is absolutely necessary.

reason behind bone lossThe reason dentists avoid extraction is because losing the natural tooth prompts a series of dental problems, including loss of function and bone resorption, a process that naturally happens after a tooth has been extracted or lost.

The reason behind bone loss

The bone requires activity and stimulation to maintain its volume and density. In the case of the alveolar bone, the necessary stimulation comes from the teeth.

Our teeth create multiple contacts with each other every day, causing small tensions that enable the continuous rebuilding of the bone. This stimulation occurs through the periodontal ligament that holds the tooth in its socket.

When you lose a tooth, you can be losing some of this stimulation. As a result, the alveolar bone loses weight, height, and volume. Around 25% of bone width will be gone within the first year. Over the next few years, the bone height shrinks by about 4-mm. If not addressed on time, bone volume will continue to decrease as gum tissue will also gradually decrease.

The impact of bone loss

The most apparent effect involves the tooth’s functionality, interfering with the person’s ability to chew and speak. As it continually deteriorates, your tooth loses more and more functionality. In addition to functional problems, it can also result in life-changing cosmetic issues, especially in edentulous or toothless patients.

The solution to keep the bone healthy

To arrest bone loss, patients need to recover the stimulation of the remaining bone tissue. Revival of stimulation is possible through dental implants, which merge and fuse with the tissues and re-stimulate them. Implants act as strong and stable foundation to support a crown, bridge, or overdentures.

Your new teeth will not only look natural, but implants can also improve bite support, restore chewing efficacy, and prevent shifting of the vital teeth, thus reducing stress on the remaining teeth.

To know if dental implants are a viable option for you, book a consultation with Dr David Madruga Gonzalez today.

What Alcohol Does to the Teeth

Many things affect the teeth negatively, including neglect, genetics and several personal daily habits. Certain food items also contribute to major staining, enamel erosion and other dental diseases, with some of the more common examples being wine, coffee, food and drinks with high sugar and acidic content.

dental diseasesBut how about alcohol? How does alcohol affect the teeth? David Madruga and his team wish to inform patients about the ways beer could stain teeth and even lead to demineralisation. The key is information and pacing. Allow us to discuss it further:


Darker beers contain roasted malts and barley that gives it a distinct colour and strong flavour. The concentrated and dark colour comes from the brewed dark berries stout beers are made of. These have the tendency to stain the teeth, causing the teeth to take on a shade of grey, blue or yellow over time.


Sour beers may not have the same dark colour as stout beers, but these kinds of ales are known for lying at the low (acidic) end of the pH scale, with a pH of as low as 3.2–3.3. This is harmful to dental health and may lead to demineralisation, a process where the tooth enamel can be worn away by acidity.


Despite all these, it is not all bad news when it comes to beers. Craft beers, for example, which are made from barley and hops, contain high levels of silicon and calcium, both of which are good for the teeth, bones, nails and hair. Tannins are good acid usually found in craft beers and can prevent bacteria.

The key to protecting the teeth from staining is information. It is important to stay away from the types of alcohol that leads to the greying of teeth and sticking to types with good acids. It is all about regulation and naturally, healthy dental habits and regular check-ups.

Should you need more guidance about caring for your teeth, feel free to contact us.

Jaw Bones: They Come and Go

Tooth replacement is important as leaving gaps between the teeth can cause jaw bone loss and similar dental issues. This transpires because the bone naturally diminishes when it is not holding any tooth or implant. That is why practitioners reiterate the importance of having implants as soon as possible.

jaw bonesBut, sometimes the damage is already done before patients fully understand why it is necessary to have implants. People do not have to worry about bone loss, though. Now, there are ways to repair and grow new bones – guided bone regeneration and bone grafting – that are already a part of dental routines.

How the Procedures Work

Practitioners use bone grafting to replace missing bone with a material that helps the body regrow lost bone. This procedure leads to the formation of a bridge between the graft and the existing bone, which allows the new bone growth to strengthen the grafted site. Over time, this will replace much of the grafted material. Guided bone regeneration (GBR), meanwhile, involves the placement of a membrane over the grafted area to encourage further bone regrowth and prevent the development of scar tissue.

What to Expect from Them

Patients undergoing GBR and bone grafting will be under local anaesthesia (with or without IV sedation) or seldom general anaesthesia. The procedures themselves are painless, but patients may experience swelling and mild to moderate discomfort post-procedure, especially if it also involves tooth extraction.

Are These Two Successful?

Recent developments with the procedures and equipment substantially increased the success rate of the re-growing the bone and resolving bony defects. But, success rate still depends mainly on the particular purpose of the procedures. Plus, the overall health of the patient determines the degree of regrowth.

With David Madruga, dentists in Marylebone, you can get more than just conventional dental implant procedures. He offers GBR and Bone Grafting to provide you with a more reliable tooth replacement treatment. No need to worry about the complications of these techniques as Dr Madruga underwent extensive training in GBR and Bone Grafting, as well as managing hard and soft tissues, to provide the most suitable solution for you.

Book an appointment for adequate assessment and treatment planning from us to get you started.

How to take care of your dental implants

If you’ve chosen to replace your missing teeth with dental implants, you’ll want to ensure they remain in good condition. Implants are the only permanent solution to replace your natural teeth and, with proper care, will last you a lifetime. Dr David Madruga has treated many patients with implants at his Marylebone dental practice, and is keen to stress the importance of proper aftercare.

How to look after your implants

dental implantsDental implants have a very high success rate – up to 98%. If you’ve lost teeth and gone through the process of having implants fitted, the last thing you’ll want to happen is to lose your teeth again. Here is a guide to looking after your implants, including the importance of regular reviews, regular visits to the dentist and hygienist, and a good home care routine.

Once Dr Madruga has fitted your permanent restorations here at our Marylebone dental practice, you will be provided with detailed aftercare advice. This will include specially-tailored oral hygiene instructions and advice about diet, to help you maintain a healthy mouth for life.

If you follow this advice carefully, your implants are unlikely to fail. However, in the event that any problems do arise, Dr Madruga will be able to identify any early signs of failure with regular dental examinations and x-rays. By addressing any issues promptly, further complications are often avoided.

You should maintain regular dental hygiene appointments and implant reviews at our Marylebone clinic. Dental implants and their restorations are much like natural teeth, and are susceptible to plaque and tartar build-up without proper dental hygiene. Untreated, this build-up can cause gum disease, which increases the risk of implant failure.

Further advice will be provided to you at each visit to our Marylebone practice to ensure the best possible outcome and long-term success is achieved.

Replacement of Missing Teeth

Have you lost one or more of your teeth? Perhaps they’ve been missing for some time, and you’ve been struggling will ill-fitting dentures, or perhaps you’ve just lost a single tooth in an accident. Whatever the reason for losing your teeth, you may be wondering about whether to replace them, and what the best tooth replacement solutions are.

missing teethThere are several good reasons to replace your missing teeth. Here are just some of them:

1 Enjoying a healthy, balanced diet. Missing teeth can cause problems with biting and chewing food. Even traditional dentures may make biting and chewing certain foods awkward, meaning that your diet could be restricted to soft foods. This makes maintaining a balanced diet difficult, with many healthy options off the menu. This can have negative consequences for your general health. Replacing your missing teeth with dental implants enables you to enjoy a full range of foods once more.

2 Keeping remaining teeth healthy. When we lose a tooth, other teeth may move into the gap. In the process they can become crooked and difficult to clean properly, further adding to the risk of plaque building up and causing tooth decay or gum disease. Dental implants help to prevent this problem, providing natural-looking, natural-acting restorations.

3 Prevent facial sagging. Over time, the jawbone beneath gaps left by missing teeth starts to resorb or deteriorate, often leading to a sagging appearance in the face, which can make you look prematurely old. Dental implants integrate with the bone, encouraging bone growth and preventing deterioration, thus preventing this sagging.

4 Smile and laugh with confidence. Particularly if you have lost teeth near the front of your mouth, your confidence in your smile may have been dented. Traditional dentures are prone to slipping, which may put you off laughing in public in case they fall out. Dentures secured by dental implants will remain fixed firmly in place with no danger of slippage, meaning you can smile and laugh with confidence once more.

If you are interested in replacing missing teeth with dental implants, book a consultation today.

Confirmed: Smoking Leads to a Higher Risk of Tooth Loss

With all the countless anti-smoking ads, signs and pamphlets—even those graphic warnings printed right on the package of cigarettes—virtually everyone knows that smoking is bad for the body. Smoking can lead to severe health problems, including lung disease, heart disease and the dreaded cancer.

oral healthNot everyone knows, however, that smoking also has significant effects on oral health. Recently, a new study, published September this year in the Journal of Dental Research, has in fact proved that regular smokers have a significantly increased risk of tooth loss.

What the New Study Says

This is the result of a long-term longitudinal study conducted by researchers at the German Institute of Human Nutrition and the University of Birmingham. The researchers examined a group of more than 23,000 subjects to understand the relationship between cigarette smoking and the rates of tooth loss.

According to the researchers’ observation, male smokers were 3.6 times more likely to lose their teeth compared to non-smokers. Women smokers, on the other hand, were 2.6 times more likely.

How Smoking Leads to Tooth Loss

People lose their teeth mostly due to periodontitis and tooth decay. Smoking is a known contributor for periodontitis, which goes a long way in understanding the higher risk of tooth loss in smokers compared to non-smokers.

Smoking also masks bleeding gums, which is a key symptom of periodontitis. Because of this, people do not see the problem until it is already too late.

Fortunately, quitting smoking can reduce the risk. A person who quits smoking would have the same risk of tooth loss as a non-smoker eventually, although this can take more than a decade.

Tooth Loss: Still a Major Health Concern

Tooth loss remains a huge health problem across the globe. In the United Kingdom alone, about 15 percent of seniors between the ages of 65 and 74, as well as 30 percent of seniors aged 75 and above are have lost all of their natural teeth. The global figure, on the other hand, is 30 percent for 65 to 74 year olds.

Missing teeth, overall, do not allow too many people to fully enjoy what life has to offer. Fortunately, today’s modern cosmetic dentistry in Marylebone, such as dental implants can help replace everything from a single missing tooth to a missing arch.

Dr David Madruga, an implant surgeon in London, offers the treatment. He carries out all forms of implant dentistry, from basic dental Implantology to more complex cases.

Schedule a consultation with Dr David Madruga today.

Why it’s important to replace missing teeth

Patients with missing teeth are prone to hiding their smiles away in public. At our Marylebone dental practice we believe that it’s important to replace lost teeth for several reasons – here we look at how dental implants from Dr David Madruga could be the perfect solution.

replace missing teethDr Madruga has helped scores of patients from Marylebone and beyond who have lost one or more teeth for many reasons. Whatever the reason, replacing missing teeth is vital to not just your dental health, but also your overall wellbeing.

When we lose one or more teeth, several things happen. First and foremost, we lose confidence in our smile. This can have a serious negative impact on our personal and professional lives, as we may avoid smiling in public altogether. Using dental implants to replace missing teeth can restore confidence in your smile and help to boost your self-esteem.

Dentists are also keen to point out the other health benefits of replacing missing teeth. When teeth are lost, the bone beneath any gaps slowly starts to resorb or recede, which can give a sunken and prematurely aged appearance to the face. Gum tissue also has a tendency to shrink, which is why many patients who wear traditional dentures often find that after some time their dentures become loose and uncomfortable.

Any remaining teeth may also move into the gaps left by missing teeth. They become harder to clean, increasing your risk of further tooth decay and, potentially, further tooth loss.

Dental implants are the perfect solution to replace missing teeth because as well as restoring confidence in your smile, they also integrate with the bone, preventing bone loss and gum shrinkage. Unlike unsecured dentures, restorations attached to implants are firmly held in place and will not become loose or fall out.

Contact our Marylebone practice for more information on how implants can help you.

I’ve worn dentures for many years – can I still have dental implants?

Patients who have been wearing traditional dentures for several years may be interested in securing their dentures with dental implants. At our Marylebone dental practice, denture stabilisation using implants is a common procedure. Dr David Madruga is highly experienced in the placing of implants, including complex cases where patients need a little extra help.

Bone loss

dental implantsBone loss is a common side effect of having missing teeth. If you have been wearing dentures for several years, you may have noticed that though they once fitted perfectly, they have become loose over time. You may have had to return to your dentist more than once to have your dentures adjusted, and may be struggling with sloppy pastes to keep them in place.

This happens because when we lose teeth, our jaw bone slowly starts to resorb and our gums may shrink. Dental implants prevent this from happening because they act as bionic tooth roots; they integrate with the bone and support bone growth.

My dentist says I don’t have enough bone to support implants

At our Marylebone practice, Dr Madruga has helped many patients who have experienced bone loss. Even if you have been told by your dentist you don’t have enough bone density to support implants, it is worth contacting us. Dr Madruga is experienced in performing bone grafts and sinus lifts, which help to regenerate your bone so it has enough density to hold your implants.

Bone grafts and sinus lifts

Bone grafts use either your own bone from elsewhere in your mouth or bone substitute biomaterial (animal or synthetic in origin) to rebuild your bone here at our Marylebone practice before placing dental implants.

Sinus lifts involve repositioning the sinus lining and packing bone graft material into the space. This material is incorporated into the surrounding tissues to form a solid bone-like structure.

Scientifically Speaking, Smiling Changes Your Brain

A wide smile on your face does not only make you look better. According to research, it can make you mentally healthier, too.

smilingSmiling greatly improves your mood and is also capable of reducing your stress levels. While few people would argue that too much grinning is bad for you, research shows that flashing your teeth is beneficial to your well-being.

A study from Penn State University in the U.S. reported that people who smile more appear courteous, likeable and competent. This alone should be a good enough reason for you to smile more, especially while at work.

How a Smile Changes your Brain

When you smile, your brain keeps track of your current activity. Smiling more often breaks the brain’s tendency to stray towards negative thinking. If you grin often, you re-wire your brain to create positive patterns, overwriting the negative thoughts.

Shawn Achor, author of The Positive Tetris Effect, says it’s important to retrain the brain ‘to scan for the good things in life—to help us see more possibility, to feel more energy, and to succeed at higher levels’. When you smile a lot, you trigger a positive thinking pattern, which ultimately creates a happiness loop. The more you do it, the more your brain will shift towards more positive thoughts.

Smiling often is effective in altering bad thoughts, especially when you are in a situation that causes alarm.

Smiling Can Save Your Life

A smile does not only benefit your brain—it can also save your life, according to biochemist Sondra Barrett.

She says once you let go of unnecessary tension—which you can easily achieve through smiling—you free your cells from the rigidity. According to Barrett’s study, this can save your life. She adds that there have been cases where cancer patients go into remission after releasing their stresses.

‘Our cells are more than just fortuitous arrangements of chemicals’, she says. ‘They are a community of trillions of sentient entities cooperating to create a sanctuary for the human soul.’

Scientifically speaking, smiling leads to a better life quality. With a great smile comes a great mental outlook. David Madruga will give you more reasons to smile by helping you achieve that perfect set of pearly whites. Give our practice a call now.