For those individuals who have been informed that they may need a sinus lift Marylebone, it might be helpful to obtain a little information regarding the procedure and what needs some individuals have to receive one.
This treatment is usually a precursor to the popular dental implant options that are offered to a wide range of patients. However, it is mainly used for those who have lasting damage caused by having missing teeth for an extended period of time or have been wearing dentures for long enough that they have begun to slip and slide around in their mouths.
The reason why complications can arise after extended periods of time without substantial support from natural teeth is due to the occurrence of jaw bone recession. This is a normal side effect however the implications of this can be devastating.
Put simply, when you lose your natural teeth, your jaw bone is no longer stimulated as it usually is. Even if you replace your missing teeth with dentures, as these sit on the gum and do not penetrate any further, the jaw bone is not stimulated as it should be and therefore begins to recede.
It does this because your body is not receiving the signals telling it that your jaw bone needs to remain as strong as it once was. Energy is put into other areas of your body and the jaw slowly becomes more porous, weaker and cannot sustain the pressure that it once did.
There are many reasons why people begin to experience jaw bone recession in addition to losing their teeth. Some examples are smoking, age and even genetic disposition all playing a part in this natural process.
There is a treatment option available
If you’re looking to enjoy the benefits of dental implants but find that you are experiencing jawbone recession, then a sinus lift Marylebone is your solution.
We use a sinus lift Marylebone as a treatment prior to your dental implants procedure to strengthen your jaw bone and ensure that there is enough density to support the subsequent implants. We do this using either animal, human or synthetic tissue and physically add this to your jaw then allow it to bond and heal. This is a relatively minor procedure that can be performed locally and is only used in conjunction with a dental implants treatment so you need to be physically able to be viable for such treatments.
Who might not be physically able?
There is no upper age limit, but we do ask that you are in reasonably fit health in order to heal from this minor surgical procedure. This means that you do not have any underlying health conditions that will affect you negatively. Although we work on a case by case basis, it is important that you are looking after yourself as well as this includes whether you are a smoker or not.
Because smoking greatly increases the chances of infection, jaw bone recession and mouth sores that are difficult to heal, we would ask that you significantly reduce or eliminate smoking prior to these treatments in order to experience a greater chance of success.